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Video game artbook

Superfluous Returnz Artbook

Written and drawn by Gee

This book presents the graphics created for the “Superfluous Returnz” video game.

You'll find every location, every character, every cutscene, every animation detailed frame by frame, and much more. All with commentary by the author, in English and French!Visit counter

Page en français / French page

  • Published on 09 Nov 2023
  • Formats square, PDF and CBZ
  • 113 pages

Paperback editions

$30.00 on Lulu
$30.00 on Amazon

Digital editions

free price (direct link)
free price (direct link)


Price breakdown for the edition square paperback

ISBN : 978-2-493727-18-3

The square paperback edition is sold at $30.00 on Lulu, on which the author earns $4.66.

Price breakdown for the edition square paperback

The square paperback edition is sold at $30.00 on Amazon, on which the author earns $7.96.

Free price

Regarding free digital editions: you can download them for free and make a donation to the author. This is the most effective way to support the author, as platforms only take an average 5% fee (actually, it depends on the platform and the amount, but it's an average)..

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Free book

This book is made available under the terms of the license Creative Commons Paternité – Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'Identique 2.0 France.

To put it simply, this book is free, which actually means that you are the one who is free: free to share it, sell it, modify it, extract parts of it, reuse it - in short, to do absolutely anything you want with it!

There are only 2 mandatory conditions for this:

  • always specify the authorship of the work. In this case, authorship should be attributed to Gee, with a reference to the site ;
  • distribute this work or any derivative works (or works using parts of this work) under the same license, with the same rights and conditions of use. So that it always remains free.

Distribute and share as much as you like!

Long live free culture!

Books in French

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